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Saturday, September 5, 2015

Stay With Me Tonight by Whitney D.

Holy hotness!!!! This is definitely an 18+ book but DAAAAAAAAMMMMMMNNNN. Bellamy is fiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnne!! Twisted and dark and is hiding something but is absolutely yummy. Kate is our MC ( main character) in this book and she's been burned before by the male race (who hasn't nowadays). So here is a little debrief on our book today.

Kate Conrad is a college graduate who is looking for her first real job after graduation. If Kate can't find a job she's stuck with only one option..... move back with her parents. Kate had sworn off men.  Until one night when she goes out with her one friend and she meets the dark and mysterious Bellamy( yes ladies its OK if you drool now). 

Bellamy is the most attractive man that Kate or any woman has ever laid eyes on. When he comes up to her she brushes him off and tells him that she's not "that" girl . When he comes back with, that she's exactly the kind of girl he is looking for and in detail tells her what he wants to do, she leaves. Out again with her sorority sisters she sees Bellamy and decides to give him a shot, but in the middle of the night she sneaks out of his house because sleeping over is strictly a big no no in her book. 

Kate has just about given up looking for a job when she lands an interview for this amazing job. Something about the VP who is interviewing her just seems awfully familiar. She lands the job but is shocked to find out who her new boss is. What leads to one of the biggest OMG endings I have ever read like ever??? Well I guess you guys are gonna have to head on over to Amazon and get it yourself to find out!! Have a great day and read a good book, I know I will *~~Gabby~~*



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