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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Coming To A Computer Near You!!!

Hello me Bloggy Peeps!!!

I know that I haven't posted in a bit, summer is kinda crazy with the kiddos outta school buuuuuuuuut, I have a few really good books coming at you soon!!! I don't know in what order they are going to be in so just bare with me peeps.

  1. Pretending She's Mine by Stacey Mosteller
  2. Life Before Damaged 8 by H.M. Ward
  3. Luke...... a second in a love story by Sandra Fitzgerald
  4. and anything else that gets thrown at me from now till then lol

SoOoOoOoO until then everyone have a great day and read a good book. I know I will *~~Gabby~~*

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