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Saturday, July 4, 2015

Watching Over The Watcher by Simone Beaudelaire

A Great Romance

Ok bloggy peeps this one is a good one!! This story is about Selena and her amazing gift. With one touch she can hear what you're thinking and feel what you're feeling. She has gone through her whole life feeling as though she's been cursed not blessed. Brandon is a bit older than her but has feeling for Selena for many years which come to find out so did she. They meet 7 years ago when Maggie, Brandon's daughter, went to counseling to help over the lose of her mother. Maggie was Selena's first and only patient. Brandon being a career counselor himself helped  Selena find the right job for her in the police force. One thing leads to another and they finally whined up together. What could go wrong???? Try a psyhco stalker that burns down her house and that is trying to kill her, yeah that would throw a wrench into things. head on over and get this suspenseful romance for yourself. Have a great day and read a good book. I know I will *~~Gabby~~*



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