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Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Stacey Mosteller ~ Never Wanted More~

Hi ya'll I have another mind blowing story to tell you guys about from Mrs. Stacey Mosteller eeppp!!! SoOoOoOoOoOo this book is called Never Wanted More it is a Nashville Nights Story. This story happens before and during the beginning of the events of Save Me From Myself. Which in my opinion is awesome because the characters that you learn to love show up during this book. Peyton is something else let me tell you, this chick had me laughing so hard at some of the things she said and thought of for example: "Squee and I will cut you" she says this straight to her best friend Scarlet. Then when Max is being a complete ahole to Kat which is Peyton's new roommate and Anna's (SMFM) little sister she has some very interesting thoughts for him: "Shooting a glare that says 'mess with my roommate any more I'll stab you with a spork.'" I mean come on how could you not love a chick who wants to stab someone with a spork and that is constantly thinking about junk punching people. LoL that's my kinda girl!!!!! Peyton was the 'oopps' baby in her family and feels that she's never been wanted or good enough, until she meets Wyatt who completely changes her way of thinking about herself. Peyton tries so hard to keep her distance from him but try as she may Wyatt is a persistent thing waiting things out and slowly gaining her trust. I seriously couldn't gush about this book more. So as always I'm gonna post up the link so you can head on over to Amazon and buy it yourself.

Amazon link to buy Never Wanted More:

And as always my review make sure you like it up ; ) :

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