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Saturday, April 4, 2015

Arthur Daigle ~ William Bradshaw, King of the Goblins

Now this book I wanna say is family friendly. Its not a children's book but for me it makes an awesome bed time story for my two boys ages 6&8. I read it first just to see if there would be anything inappropriate for them and there its. When I say its family friendly I mean, I got into this book and openly laugh at the many crazy things the goblins do, or the things that come out of different characters mouths. My 12 year old brother even wants to borrow my book because it sounds "pretty sweet" (his words not mine). Ok now onto the summary :

William Bradshaw is going to an interview thinking the job is a managing position with the law firm Cickam, Wender, and Downe, but Twain a lawyer with the firm is just looking for the client. Will being incredibly under qualified for a normal management job seems to be just about right for this management job. After a run through of stupid and pointless interview questions Will gets the job, he is lead to a steel door and gets told screaming doesn't help and is pushed into a pit. After falling for what seems like forever Will lands in this weird place and is greeted by this weird little guy with grey skin and yellow robes. That turns out to be Domo basically he's the kings right hand man and Will is now the King. The King of what you may ask well he is the king of the goblins mischievously idiotic crazy little creatures that no one in Other Place likes. Will is stuck and has to try to find a way out of this whole mess and the only way to do that is to go over the million different lines in his contract to try and find a loophole out of this miserable place. Some perks about being King in the worst Kingdom in Other places is he gets a kinda screwy fire-scepter and an magic mirror with an attitude problem, oh and he can change places with scarecrow by falling back into his cape. Will, soon after arriving in the Goblin Kingdom, he meets his two "body guards" London and Brooklyn who happen to be Trolls who like to rough people up, Yeah were up to Goblins and Trolls and it gets better, enter Barbecue (Barbie) a huge fire breathing dragon. She asks Will if she could borrow a few goblins to help her complete a happily-ever-after contract with this new King Kervol Kent, who let me tell you makes the goblins seem bright, but instead for yelling and losing the goblins so how beat the king. Which leads to a very unhappy Barbecue. She drops the goblins back with an extra person Princess Brandywine. hehehe well that's all I think I'm gonna say about this story. I guess you have to get the book and read it yourself if you want to find out what happens. As always I'll post up not only the link directly to the book and MY Facebook page head over there and like it people. Show a little love!!

Amazon link to buy William Bradshaw, King of the Goblins:

My Facebook review page:

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